The skin on Mo Xiaobai's arm, though exposed to wind and rain, was not rough like most men’s; it remained soft. What surprised Moyao was that the skin felt almost scorching hot, muscles tense to the extreme, covered in sweat.,He felt as if tossed about in tumultuous waves, rising and falling ceaselessly until reaching climax, releasing it all into his hand. The heated essence slid down with water; Mo Xiaobai's body stiffened abruptly, biting down on his lower lip to suppress the urge to moan. It was so intense, leaving him blank-minded as fiery heat swirled in his eyes before stopping and releasing, finally closing them.,Moe Yao pondered why he needed to know what Mo Baixue was up to inside. Why did it matter what he did Right now, his expression seemed normal with no signs of anything unusual; even his smile appeared clean and mischievous as always. He was just the same as before—had he really seen something wrong earlier Yes, that must have been a mistake.。