  • home Science fiction The Legend of the So
  • The Legend of the So
  • author: The Sand Sage update: 2024-08-31
  • state: serialized
  • The captain sprung to his feet nimbly, panting heavily: "What kind of monster machine is this Why attack me" Holding his shield aloft with one arm, he stood ready for battle!,At this point, Black Panther paused, his face etched with solemnity. "Even some second-tier heroes' abilities have proven insufficient to contain them, and there have been casualties," he said. "According to data provided by the superheroes, these monsters possess incredibly resilient bodies. Attacks using elements like fire, electricity, ice, or lasers are ineffective against them. Even if you tear them apart with brute force, their reproductive capacity is astonishingly fast. They can transform into new monsters simply by biting ordinary humans. It's a relentless and endless cycle of death!",He beat out the flames with his hands and a brush, "I believe it, I believe it! This guy is definitely a sorcerer!" The smoke-covered Thor was both angry and exasperated. “Hurry up and get going! We’ll explain on the way!” Iron Man was not polite at all because time was of the essence. He grabbed Heimdall with one arm each, and together they shoved him into the Time Platform!。

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