Chapter 60 Killing Time with Luxury Cars

hing wrong like stealing chickens or sneaking around, he would frame it on Su Can’s head, saying that Su Can taught him to do so. Many times, Su Can could not explain himself at all, leading Uncle to...Chapter 60: Snatching Luxury Cars in Seconds

The International Auto Show witnessed the appearance of a young and mysterious buyer, splashing cash extravagantly! Luxury cars were sold instantly!

"The 4-liter engine, researched and fine-tuned by Mr. Gsling, boasts world-class powerful performance. It was only at this moment during the Shanghai Auto Show that a Hongben Bentley was snatched in seconds."

"Mysterious Phoenix Man Buyer of Bentley Makes Grand Appearance on Stage!"

This news threw a bombshell into what had been an otherwise tranquil auto show, spreading rapidly across various booths within a short period. No one could have imagined such a high-profile cash-only car purchase would happen unexpectedly. This was truly impressive—when Su Cen slammed the box down on the counter, both saleswomen felt the table bounce slightly under this weight, just like their hearts.

Almost all of the surrounding staff, whether introducing or distributing materials, halted their actions in shock.

Su Cen thought that his act was still not flashy enough. He even considered buying a suitcase nearby and filling it with cash; however, he might have saved money by borrowing a large and sturdy burlap sack from the cart men outside instead of purchasing a leather box for 132 yuan purely to store the banknotes.

If those present had known Su Cen's thoughts at this moment, they would likely have rushed over in tears wanting to trample him underfoot.

A male manager beside opened the suitcase and confirmed that it contained cash. Still in an excited state of mind, the female manager asked in professional terms, "Hello, may I ask if you are purchasing with cash"

Her tone was professional yet she still thought this was all a joke until now.

Su Cen was soon invited to the car-purchasing area with round table chairs. The leather suitcase rested at his feet, while the manager flipped over the thick business notebook in front of him, displaying promotional materials about the Bentley.

A few well-dressed German-American booth executives were also startled and stood at a distance from the展位, occasionally glancing at Su Cen. Whenever Su Cen’s gaze swept over, the balding white-bearded German老頭would nod and smile at him. Su Cen would grin back, pulling his cap down低 to maintain his神秘mysterious demeanor. He guessed that everyone around was trying to打聽investigate Su Cen’s background and information about this mysterious buyer.

The surrounding area was crowded with people pointing and discussing, some even taking pictures of him with long lenses. Seeing the expressions of those passing by, the sales managers felt後悔regret for not having Su Cen buy from their展位booths. At the same time, they found it難以置信incredible that someone so young could afford such an expensive car.

Su Cen thought this was a reflection of時代的背景the current era; he was just in his early twenties. In the future, as China continued to經濟發展develop economically and more people became富起來wealthy, most would be第二代第三代second or third generation rich with購買力buying power. At such future auto shows, there wouldn’t be明星級cars attracting so much attention like this one.

In the future, it was common for豪車supercars to be批量預定batch-ordered by wealthy individuals at car shows; buying a car worth幾百萬millions of yuan wasn't newsworthy anymore. However, in today's context with國際奢侈品和豪車銷售轉向中國international luxury and supercar sales shifting towards China,頂級跑車like the布加迪威龍Bugatti Veyron would still be considered明星級cars at auto shows, but their影響力和新聞價值influence and news value wouldn't be as significant.

Su Cen continued to sit耐心等待waiting for付款processing. The銷售經理sales manager, who was圓臉胖乎乎round-faced and chubby but業績最好the most successful in sales and knew how to speak well, was默認讓他接待處理assigned to handle Su Cen.

The反差太大difference in Su Cen’s表現behavior was shocking enough to吸引眼球capture everyone's attention. Participating in the sale of the first明星豪車star car at 上海車展the Shanghai Auto Show would be a great榮耀honor for these銷售員工salespeople, making it dramatic enough to become日後話題future gossip.

Even剛纔誤認為他是送貨員that professional woman who had earlier mistaken Su Cen for a delivery worker walked over with小細腿fine legs and高跟鞋heels clicking on the地麵floor. She wore滿臉笑容a smile,似乎私下裡偷偷補了妝as if she had secretly reapplied her口紅lipstick, which now looked more鮮豔vivid. “先生,對不起剛纔誤會你是我們的員工。” "Sir, I'm sorry for mistaking you as one of our employees."

Su Cen waved it off with無所謂indifference and then told一直在給他作介紹the sales manager who had been introducing him, “I only have現金cash enough to pay the車款car price;契稅and牌照registration fees can be刷卡paid by card. Also, I want to提車take delivery of the car right away, so please arrange it for me.”

The經理manager was bewildered and thought牛人就是牛this guy is truly a big shot, enjoying砸出大把現金spending cash like this.

"冇問題不過先生國際車展規定五點閉館之後才能將車開出去" "No problem, but sir, the international auto show stipulates that cars can only be taken out after 5 PM." Seeing Su Cen’s expression, he連忙quickly added, “如果您真急的話我們現在就去為您辦理手續儘快拿到出門條if you’re in a hurry, we’ll process everything for you right away and get your exit permit.”

Su Cen wore他的鴨舌帽a cap and sat正襟危坐seriously. Today’s費用costs would be契稅around three million yuan. However, the上海車展Shanghai Auto Show had become人性化user-friendly with現場有上海市公安局交警支隊宣傳科車管所等相關職能單位現場上牌和資訊服務units from the Shanghai Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Brigade and Vehicle Management Office providing on-site registration services. Several banks like建設銀行建行and中國銀行中行were also present,隨時辦理車輛貸款offering immediate vehicle financing,簡化手續simplifying the entire process.

"Of course," to increase the volume for the public, the workload has been added. Now, several staff members from the bank have come over from Su Cen's side to count money; there are four or five people counting money, and the currency counters are operating at full capacity as the bills fly by.

Su Cen's eyes slightly reddened as he glanced at the Bentley on display. It was like having a handful of cash and marrying an arranged bride; now that he wanted to look at it or touch it, surely he could let himself indulge freely, right

The headlamps and tail lights were perfectly round, with 17-inch alloy wheels. Su Cen had previously thought that unless these were top-tier sports cars低調奢華的頂級跑車 or老爺車antique cars, such tires would only be equipped on those types of vehicles. Damnit, now that it was right in front of him, no matter how impressive the tires were, they'd have to serve him.

The body reflected Su Cen's careful observation; there was a slight distortion, with a car body painted like a grand piano but with a metallic feel, making it look absolutely grand and heavy. It made Su Cen want to lick his thumb and vigorously rub it against the vehicle, but due to the many people watching around him, he held back.

The car's design wasn't too aerodynamic; at the rear, there was a slight downward slope, with headlamps noticeably larger than tail lights. However, this sloping design didn't make the front heavy and the rear light, rather it had an old-fashioned retro feel. But according to the manager beside him describing it enthusiastically, this car wasn't retro.

"It only needs a glance for a 100 kilometers acceleration; short-range acceleration is 20 km in 7 seconds, from 0 to 100 km in 33 seconds, and from 80 to 120 km in 4.9 seconds, with an ultimate speed of 250 km/h. You can sit inside for a personal experience; just kidding, you'll be taking it away anyway."

A hundred kilometers acceleration within a glance was not outstanding among sports cars but quite standard. In the future, as technology rapidly advanced, many medium-tier vehicles could achieve this standard too. Of course, that was based on Su Cen's standards from his later life; in reality, with its Bentley engine designed by Rolls-Royce, it had an impressive capacity and heart power was currently extremely formidable.

On a relatively relaxed street in Shanghai, if he floored the gas pedal and sped through without restraint, perhaps traffic police riding Yamaha bikes would give chase, pushing their engines to the limit.

Su Cen got into the car, temporarily isolating himself from some external observing eyes. Some people with discerning looks watched him, sizing up Su Cen along with a certain sentiment towards this car. These individuals were more rational; they might have the ability to purchase but hesitancy was currently their biggest obstacle in buying.

Since it wasn't possible to make a reservation, regret now was too late. Su Cen had already taken the initiative, and the bank staff were still counting money.

A few people, perhaps stirred by Su Cen's cash purchase, also impulsively wanted to spend lavishly, but ultimately held back.

The identity of Su Cen started to circulate within the auto show. Some people said he was the son of a Forbes-listed billionaire in Shanghai, reasoning that they had seen him in Hong Kong gossip magazines before; after all, who would believe someone so young could afford such an extravagant car on his own merits Moreover, as a nouveau riche heir, not a nobleman, buying a luxury car like this was just for show.

Others speculated that Su Cen's background might be extremely mysterious, perhaps even the offspring of some overseas Chinese tycoon. The stories sounded quite fanciful.

Su Cen had no idea about these rumors; he was completely absorbed in his first sports car. This immense joy overwhelmed him, and though he tried to remain calm, it was difficult.

For Su Cen, looking at cars wasn't just about their appearance; he also focused on the design of the control panels inside them. To a certain extent, the level of sophistication in designing this core part of a car could reveal much about its quality.

The Bentley emblem was neatly printed on the dashboard, clear and uncluttered. The patterned mahogany combined beautifully with aluminum alloy accents. Sitting in the leather seat, gazing at the control panel that was both deep and reserved yet clearly showcasing engineering prowess, Su Cen felt his heart sinking into water, matching the car's calm demeanor.

In the movie "War," there was a Bentley ad where Russian tycoons said “engine start” and then watched as the car seemed to come alive, bursting out from its confines and charging across a snowy mountain range. Although today’s technology wasn’t quite at that level, Su Cen firmly grasped the steering wheel, put the paperwork in the back seat, pressed down on the accelerator pedal, and felt the car's power plant deliver robust force.

Su Cen's vehicle passed through the auto show's special lane; overhead, the convention center’s canopy gave way to a clear blue sky and white clouds.

Seated in the glowing driver's seat, Su Cen was still unfamiliar with all of his car’s features, which would require careful study from its thick instruction manual.

But this didn't affect his driving. He pressed down on the accelerator and sped out through the lane, leaving behind the dazzled gazes visible in his rearview mirror.

The Bentley boy who had attracted thousands of eyes at the Shanghai International Auto Show zipped past flower beds and small trees, marble floors, and flags fluttering high above the international exhibition hall. He entered a road lined with fragrant camphor trees stretching to an unseen construction group, must have had someone of equivalent status inform him about their arrival; it didn't take much guessing to know that this person would be.In mid-month, there will be a small sur...